Minister of State for Overseas Development, Kitt, announces funding for mine clearance initiatives
Minister of State for Overseas Development, Michael Kitt T.D., today announced that Irish Aid will provide over €1.8 million for humanitarian mine clearance in Afghanistan, Angola and Somalia.
The funding will support the operations of the HALO Trust, a Non-Governmental Organisation which, for over twenty years, has been removing mines and explosive remnants of war in conflict-affected countries around the world. It is estimated that landmines and explosive remnants of war maim or kill up to 20,000 people each year.
Announcing the funding, Minister Kitt said:
“The extensive presence of mines and explosive remnants of war in Afghanistan, Angola and Somalia is a serious obstacle to rehabilitation and recovery. Mines have frequently been laid close to residential areas and on agricultural land, presenting a constant threat to local communities. The horrific injuries and deaths caused by mines provoke untold suffering and impede the consolidation of peace.
Irish Aid has supported the work of the HALO Trust since 2000. Since then, considerable progress has been achieved in protecting potential victims and returning land to safe, productive use. However, the challenge remains immense. The funding of over €1.8 million which I am announcing today will enable HALO to continue its operations in Afghanistan, Angola and Somalia, laying essential foundations for long-term social and economic development in those countries.”
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